
Get less with Silicon Florist curated content

So if you’re into keeping track of what’s happening but you can’t dedicate your life to it, sign up for Silicon Florist curated content and bring some happiness back to your inbox—and likely, your life.

So you like the Portland tech scene, but you don’t obsess over it. You want to stay up-to-date with what’s happening, but your Google Reader count hasn’t dropped below 1000+ in ages. And no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to remember which big event is which week and where.

Sound familiar? If so, you—like thousands of others—are likely suffering from fire-hose fatigue. I mean, that real-time Web thing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, is it? But now, there’s hope with Silicon Florist curated content.

What’s Silicon Florist curated content—besides, of course, the opportunity to throw some new buzzword into your vocabulary—you say? Why, it’s a quick collection of the most important and relevant stories of the week, upcoming events, available jobs, and interesting links—whether I happened to write about them or not. And it arrives in your inbox every Friday via that newfangled email technology.

Okay, it’s a newsletter. But a short one. Kind of like espresso. Not much there, but it’s guaranteed to pack a punch. Not only that, the newsletter even goes well with coffee.

What’s more, it’s brief and to the point. No more meandering diatribes. Nor more long winded rambling. No more “so”s, “well”s, and “I mean”s.* No more, um, “no more”s. Just good quick content to keep you on top of the Portland and Silicon Forest startup, mobile, and open source scene.

So if you’re into keeping track of what’s happening but you can’t dedicate your life to it, sign up for Silicon Florist curated content and bring some happiness back to your inbox—and likely, your life.**

* Correct grammar not guaranteed. ** Your results may vary.

(Image courtesy Jami Dwyer. Used under Creative Commons.)

  1. @Brent Oh man. That is a GREAT idea! Let me see what I can do.

  2. Please oh please offer a RSS feed option for this curated material.

  3. Sorry but every time I hear the word “curate” I think of this recent NYT article I read on the rise of the word:


    I signed up though! Big florist fan.

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