
Block by block: Help build Portland in Minecraft

Unless you’ve been under a redstone for the past few years, you’ve undoubtedly come across Minecraft, the game that allows multiple players to build, mine, and battle within a blocky 8-bit-esque environment. You can build practically anything there. And now, some folks have decided to recreate Portland on the platform.

Here’s Pioneer Square, for example.

Pioneer Square

Interested in participating? Read up on the project and where to participate. Just want to see what folks are building? More images are available on /r/MinecraftPDX on reddit.


Now I’m wondering how else Portland’s startup scene can help on this project. Maybe we could all chip in some time to work on the buildings we inhabit?

  1. DaSode, and SorenINT, I am part of the group making this. If you want to join, head over to http://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftPDX, and talk to /u/KablooieKablam. He’s technically in charge of all this.

  2. I would love to join this my mc name is DaSode and i live here in portland

  3. IDK HOW TO GET IN… I need to be whitelisted. How can I request to be whitelisted? I want to help with this project

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