
When I was in high school, we didn't talk about startups. Thank goodness things have changed for Portland teens.

Like it or not, startups are part of popular culture. As such, there are any number of Portland high school kids thinking about how they could potentially start a company. This, in my opinion, is a very good thing. Because I firmly believe that startups should be seen as a valid career path. For everyone.

That’s why I’m honored to be kicking off the Stumptown Speakers Series, a startup-focused event organized by high school students, for high school students. I’ll be on stage with founder Michael Ioffe, this Monday.



If you know a high school aged kid, there are still some tickets left for the first event. But I’d encourage them to attend future events, where far more interesting people are speaking.

For more information, visit the Stumptown Speaker Series.

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