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Silicon Florist’s links arrangement

Sometimes, a link says more than I could ever say. Here are some fragrant little buds I’ve found recently, courtesy of ma.gnolia.

AboutUs pagecount tops 11 million*

As of midnight last night, Portland, Oregon time, AboutUs pagecount stands at 11,003,771. Unfortunately, our Mediawiki statistics are broken…. So, it’s a ballpark figure and your mileage may vary. And it’s still fun to say we have 11 million pages.

PU.Camp is tomorrow [March 1]!

It’s not too late to sign up to present… in fact it will only be too late when the last person leaves and we turn off the lights at McKay Cottage. So if you get there and get inspired (maybe by the other speakers, or maybe by the beer*) there is still time to come up with a topic!

Jama Software adds Cadria

Although Cadria is not a typical customer for Jama, the meat of how their using Contour is really much the same. Marketing agencies like Cadria are experts in creating that certain thing that resonates with your audience. Managing the complexity, keeping alignment and consistency, and delivering within scope are all things that demand a disciplined process……which demands a tool to manage that process.

View all my bookmarks on Ma.gnolia

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