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A decade of GeekWire

I always like seeing startups celebrate milestones. I truly believe that there’s so much hard work, stress, anxiety, and difficulty in building a company, that we owe it to ourselves to celebrate the bright spots. No matter how seemingly insignificant. Which is why — contrary to their stance on the newsworthiness of anniversaries — I am incredibly happy to see GeekWire celebrating a decade of covering the Pacific Northwest technology community.

Looking back, we couldn’t have picked a better decade as GeekWire’s first. This was the moment that Seattle tech came into its own. We’ve covered the rise of the cloud, Amazon’s boom, Microsoft’s rebirth, the arrival of Silicon Valley engineering centers, disputes, mergers, IPOs, and the emergence of thousands of startups. And in the past year, we’ve covered Seattle as a center of the scientific and philanthropic response to a world-changing pandemic.

We’ve worked hard, with a great team, and we’ve survived our share of challenges and struggles. But the reason GeekWire is still standing as a profitable media venture is this community, and all of you as readers, sources, listeners, members, sponsors, and supporters. GeekWire has been fortunate to get to tell the world about this place for the past 10 years, and we’re still at it.

Personally, I’ve relied on GeekWire coverage since their inception. I’ve appreciated their ability to bring community together and have attended any number of their events. And I’ve really enjoyed the good natured ribbing over the years. Long story short, I’ve truly enjoyed watching the launch, growth, and success of this media company has been incredibly inspiring.

Congrats to John, Jonathan, Todd — and of course hometown hero Taylor — on what you’ve accomplished. Happy Birthday, GeekWire! Looking forward to the next decade.

For more on what they’ve accomplished, visit GeekWire.

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