
Find networking difficult…? Maybe Equitable Networking can help

Portland isn’t big on “networking” events. But when I’m in other towns, I definitely encounter my fair share of them. I don’t do well in those environments. At all. And it’s really a skill that startup founders kinda have to have. So if you’re like me and feel like you could use a little glow up on your networking abilities, maybe consider the Equitable Networking workshop.

The goal of this workshop is to provide a refreshing approach to networking. We coach individuals to confidently navigate networking events, ensuring they represent themselves well, understand expectations, and leverage their key skills to achieve their goals. Nobody gives proper training on how to approach these events, making it an oversight in our community. We want to change that! This 90 minute training is the first step in understanding how you can be and what you can do at networking events. I highly encourage those who frequent events to come to this training too. You experts can also come out of this with a new fun approach to the next event you go to.

The event takes place May 22, 2024, at 10:00AM. Tickets are $40. Space is limited.

For more information or to RSVP, visit Equitable Networking.

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