
Pulse of Portland begins beating

The Portland-area Twitter hits just keep on coming.

In the “links arrangement” below, I highlighted a post that Scott Kveton published yesterday, where he mentioned an idea for following what Portland was talking about on Twitter. Today, Josh Bancroft made it a reality.

Pulse of PDX has launched.

How does it work? Anyone from Portland who is followed by @pulseofpdx on Twitter (and following @pulseofpdx is the easiest way to be added) will be added to a stream of comments that are published to the Pulse of PDX site.

So, if you’re not using Twitter (For shame! Here’s how you get started), you’re still dipping your toe in the Twitter water, or you’re not really interested in following all of Portland and Vancouver, try checking out Pulse of PDX and listen in on the talk of the town, today.

  1. Pulse of Portland, on Comcast channel 29, contains Al Jazeera news, commentary by Amy Goodman and lots more.
    I’m wondering if this station will be permitted to continue since it’s critical of what’s being done to our country…..

  2. […] if you’re in Portland, you may want to check out the Pulse of PDX on Twitter [via Silicon […]

  3. I think this is a great idea. So much so, in fact, that I put up a pulseofpdx stream on our blog. http://www.witigonen.com/pulseofpdx/ It uses the Twitter API and paginates at 50 posts and retains them, so there’s an archive – starting from Jan. 13 at 6:51, when I did the first run 🙂

  4. @ahockley You’re right, if you’re already on Twitter, and follow most of these people, you might not get much out of it.

    I think the real value comes in discovery – people who want to find other Portland people to follow, or, in my case, when you want to listen to the PDX conversation without following lots and lots of new people (I try to keep my follow list on Twitter down to people I’ve actually met/have a relationship with).

    Think of it as a river of conversation that you can jump into and out of at any time. 🙂

    Oh, and I do know it’s having some hiccups, and I’m working on them. Thanks for being patient!

  5. Very cool. I don’t follow everyone in Portland on Twitter, so an aggregated feed that includes my stuff, too, works great for me. Nice work.

  6. It’s an interesting use of RSS and a nice mashup of multiple feeds. I do wonder how much value it will be for someone like me (or you) who is already following most of these folks already.

    And it’s quite cool that Josh and Scott set the whole thing up via public twitter conversations.

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