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Calling Oregon entrepreneurs to action: Do-it-yourself healthcare reform

[HTML4][Editor’s Note: Dave Chase provides us with another guest post. This time, he focuses on what entrepreneurs can do to reform the US healthcare system. It’s an area near and dear to his heart and, as you’ll see, where his latest startup is focused.]

Imagine a cost in your business or personal budget that grew 3400% faster than all other costs. Would you do something about it? That is what has happened to healthcare costs over the last 50 years. While other goods have gone up 8x in the last 50 years, healthcare has gone up 274x.

From friends who own small traditional businesses to my tech entrepreneur friends, most are aghast at how severely they’ve been hit by healthcare cost increases. It’s simply unsustainable. This post will outline an alternative approach to getting your healthcare needs met that may be a better route for you and your organization.

My experience initially working as a management consultant to nearly 30 hospitals followed by founding Microsoft’s healthcare business has led me to the conclusion that it virtually impossible to reform a fundamentally flawed model (i.e., the payment side of the equation). I outlined this in more detail in my Huffington Post piece entitled “Health Insurance’s Bunker Buster.”

The current health payment system is a Gordian Knot designed by Rube Goldberg. While the new health law addressed Access issues, it does very little to effect the Cost side of the equation created by a convoluted compensation system. Watching the sausage getting made in D.C. leads me to believe that looking to our national politicos to effectively address this is extremely unlikely.

As a congenital optimist who has seen entrepreneurs solve intractable issues, I believe the prescription is a do-it-yourself approach from the grassroots. It does require business to dive deeper into something that they could shunt off to their insurance agent in the past as it wasn’t a big enough impact on the bottom line to worry about. That has changed. Many businesses and individuals are at a financial breaking point and must take action.

Over time, the cost increases have been somewhat masked. One might be told that health premiums are “only” going up 10% in a given year but the real effect is actually more like 20% (or even higher) as co-pays, deductibles, and the like have shifted more of the burden onto the patient. As a country, on average we spend well over $7000 per year for every man, woman and child each year on healthcare. Many people don’t realize it as the actual expenditures are spread across many different line items. However, many of us are now experiencing the reality of the proverbial frog that has been in water where the temperature has been steadily increasing. Before we boil, we need to make a change.

The Solution

While writing this piece, we took one of our kids in to a dermatologist for something we were concerned about. That 10 minute appointment resulted in a $158 charge and the outcome was we should buy Head & Shoulders shampoo and a simple prescription. Afterwards, I spoke with their billing department as I had just wanted to pay cash saving everyone time and money (or so I thought) since we’re on a high deductible plan. The friendly billing department person said that we’d receive a $158 bill that we should ignore and that the claim would like get rejected the first time. She said we’d likely then receive another bill. She indicated that if it wasn’t nearly 40% less, we should call her. She went on to explain how it would work with the deductible and the fact that we were on an out-of-state Blue Cross plan (we just moved so are on our old plan). Rest assured, baked into that $158 charge is all the time their billing department will spend sending out bills, dealing with rejections, etc. all to handle something we are going to pay cash for.
While there are good things that can and should be done to address healthcare costs such as malpractice reform, electronic medical records, there is only one way to make a major impact on the cost side of equation. We have to take more personal responsibility for our health via a consumer (rather than provider or payer) driven model. That has two dimensions.

  1. First and foremost, the best “medicine” is taking care of oneself and it’s clear with the obesity epidemic, we aren’t doing a great job on this front. There are some promising and effective wellness programs. There’s truth to Ben Franklin’s statement “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
  2. The second dimension is becoming savvier healthcare consumers. We have a model that has done anything but encourage that. Rather, it’s as though we have an open bar at the healthcare “restaurant.” After the co-pays, it seems that we can seemingly get everything for “free” as the costs are so masked.

Back to Insurance’s Root

The single quickest thing we can do to reduce healthcare costs in the coming months and years without affecting the quality of care is to return health insurance to its roots and make it like all other forms of insurance. That is, with the exception of healthcare, we buy insurance for rare events that we hope never happen (major car accident, house burning down, premature death, disability, etc.). Instead we have burdened day to day healthcare needs unnecessarily with the bureaucracy and profits necessary if insurance companies are going to be involved in the day to day facets of healthcare. This need not be the case.

Imagine this scenario: Your car needed to get tuned-up. However, in order to get a tune-up you had to get a referral from General Motors dealer in order to get an appointment and hope to have the tune-up paid for by State Farm (your car insurance company). When you asked for an estimate of what that tune-up might cost, you would have one of two responses. “We have no idea how much we are going to bill you” or “It depends”. If you worked for the government or a large employer, it would be one price and if you were with a small business you’d likely pay 30+% more. When the car was done with the tune-up, you’d likely have to deal with a co-pay, deductible, co-insurance (if your spouse had car insurance through their employer). Afterwards, it’s likely that there would be a series of bills determining whether your tune-up was covered. You might have to re-submit as they may not have realized GM gave a referral. You would also get a bill from the guy who put your car on the lift vs. the guy who worked on your belts vs. the guy who worked on your transmission. It’s not hard to imagine your car insurance policy costing 40% more than it does today if it had to support all of that hassle.That lunacy is exactly what we have in healthcare today.

Insurance companies do a terrific job of managing risk for the rare items I mentioned above and most of us feel reasonably good about our auto/homeowner’s insurance carriers. We probably wouldn’t feel that way if they were involved in every little thing we did with our cars and homes. Once health insurers return to their roots, I believe we’ll feel similarly rather than the angst many have towards health insurers. If you only take one thing away from this piece, it is we must get insurance out of day to day healthcare if we want to get our healthcare spending under control. Instead, we should “self insure” for the day to day and have a high deductible insurance plan for the events we hope don’t happen such as getting cancer, being in a major accident, etc.

This kind of shift doesn’t happen overnight but there are steps an individual or organization can take today that can save a massive amount of money. I will explain three items that may be new to you but are important to understand and take advantage of depending on the scope of coverage you want for yourself or your employees.

  1. Health Savings Accounts (HSA): These allow pre-tax dollars to be put into an account that rolls over if they aren’t used. Funds in the account can be used to pay for qualified healthcare expenses. The funds contributed to the account are not subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit. Unlike a flexible spending account (FSA), funds roll over and accumulate year to year if not spent. HSA funds may currently be used to pay for qualified medical expenses at any time without federal tax liability or penalty. More on them can be found at the federal government’s Web site and on Wikipedia.
  2. Health Discount Card: Think of this as a Costco Card for health & wellness services. It’s NOT insurance. Your Costco Card doesn’t allow you to take Cheerios off their shelf and not pay for them. Rather, they have aggregated the buying power of individuals and small business to save their members money when they purchase something. With the card, you can access everything from Dental to Medical to Vision to Alternative Care to Prescriptions at a significant pre-negotiated discount. Full disclosure: My company is going to be selling these when we go into a limited release in the near future. Contact me if you are interested in participating in this initial rollout.
  3. Direct Primary Care (DPC): A relatively new concept that is a derivation of Concierge Medicine but targeted at the mass market. I have looked into these models and have found them very compelling. They typically cover everything from day to day items (physicals, flu, etc.) to urgent care. The only added charges are for items such as an X-ray ($17 per body part) or lab tests where they pass along direct costs. Because it’s completely outside of the insurance model (you pay a monthly retainer not unlike a health club that you can use as much or as little as you’d like), doctors are happy to be available by email and phone. In a typical insurance model, they wouldn’t get compensated so it’s understandable why they are reluctant to be available for their patients in this manner.

It’s no surprise that over 50% of Primary Care Physicians say they’d leave practice if they could. In order to make a good living, they need to get patients in and out of their office in 7 minutes. This leads to a model that typically results in a hurried appointment focused on figuring out the symptoms and prescribing a pharmaceutical. In contrast, a DPC primary care provide is able to practice the way they were trained. In appointments that average 45 minutes they are able to get at underlying causes of the presenting symptom. The “prescription” may well be far less costly than a pharmaceutical.

An example of the DPC model worth watching is backed by the founders of Amazon, aQuantive (Microsoft’s largest ever acquisition), Dell and Expedia. Reportedly, their Net Promoter scores are in Google and Apple territory and they are reducing the costs of the surrounding medical services they don’t cover (e.g., Specialty and Hospital visits). I believe it’s worth figuring out how we accelerate the adoption of this model.

As I mention in my Huffington Post piece, a little noticed addition to the new health law is the fact that DPC models will be part of the coming insurance exchanges in 2014 even though they are a non-insurance alternative. While you can expect these models to explode in 2014, there are already primary care providers offering this model to their patients today. KGW featured one such practice in Portland in a news segment (NOTE: Opens video file).

Steps businesses should take today

Ironically, these models will eliminate most of the frustrating quagmire of complicated paperwork and hassle, but in the short term, there will be a learning curve and adjustment. The following are steps you can take to reduce your healthcare costs without negatively affecting quality.

The following are examples of the range of coverage you can provide to your team. I would always recommend at least having a very high deductible insurance plan.

In the follow-on to this post, I will give the new governor of Oregon (who happens to be a physician) a prescription for what he can do to help. The fact is that our state leaders can make a tremendous impact and the governor, in particular, has a bully-pulpit that can help. As entrepreneurs, we are the ones who create sustained job growth so I challenge Salem to lend a hand. Saving us money means more money can go towards job creation.

About Dave Chase

Prior to working in startups, Dave spent 12 years at Microsoft in various senior marketing and general management roles, including his role as Worldwide Healthcare Industry Director and Managing Director for Industry Marketing & Relations for the Digital Media industry. He both founded industry organizations and served on their board that played pivotal roles in the growth of those industries.

In the aftermath of the dotcom bust, he was selected to take a leadership role within the online ad industry to grow online’s share of the overall ad market in concert with AOL, Yahoo!, DoubleClick/Google and other market leaders. During his tenure, MSN championed three major initiatives that the industry adopted that led to the turnaround of the online ad industry.

Prior to joining MSFT, Dave was a senior consultant with Accenture’s Healthcare Practice working with a wide array of healthcare providers and systems. Dave has also been a successful investor and adviser to several early-stage companies.

He can be found on Twitter as @chasedave.

(Image courtesy congaman. Used under Creative Commons.)

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