
Sixteen of the 25 Launch Stage semi-finalists at OEN Angel Oregon are tech startups

It’s that time of year again. Time for startups to gather and pitch their ideas to the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network’s (OEN) Angel Oregon selection committee. With the hopes of standing on stage to pitch investors.

This year, I’m happy to report that the majority of the semi-finalists are tech startups. Which means it’s likely that—fingers crossed—a few of them will likely make it to the stage.

There are two categories for companies at OEN Angel Oregon: the Launch Stage and the Concept Stage. Launch Stage companies are startups that are further along in their development. The 25 semi-finalist Launch companies are in the running for a target total investment of more than $400,000, with the potential for a first and second place winner as selected by the Angel Oregon 2013 investors.

Here are the 16 semi-finalists that fall into typical Silicon Florist coverage (asterisks indicate Portland Seed Fund alums):

  1. Accumulus
  2. BlkDot
  4. Brandlive*
  5. Circle Technology
  6. CloudyDays
  7. GLIPH*
  8. IfWizard Corporation
  9. Indie Vinos, Inc.
  10. InGrid Solutions*
  11. LanguageTwin
  12. Rally Cause
  13. Selfpubd
  14. Showbacker
  15. SpinRiot, Inc.
  16. Wikisway*

And I don’t usually cover hardware startups. But given that this thing looks like a Cylon craft from the original Battlestar Galactica, I’m going to let it slide.

AirShip Technologies Group

For more information or to see all of the semi-finalists, visit OEN Angel Oregon 2013.

  1. As usual with Angel Oregon may the most boring and risk adverse startup win!

  2. Awesome list!

    Thanks for the special shout-out to Portland Seed Fund folks who made the cut… Jim and I are in as AO investors and are excited to meet some great new companies along with our old friends.

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