
World’s smallest park — Portland’s Mill Ends Park — now has a teeny tiny homepage to match it, which has received a big ol’ Webby nom

There are a few things waterfront-ish sort of things that are just kind of considered general knowledge around Portland. You know things like the White-Satin-White-Stag-Made-in-Oregon-Portland-Oregon-sign stag turns into Rudolph every year. That Tom McCall Waterfront Park could have very well been a freeway. And Naito Parkway is home to the world’s smallest park, Mill Ends Park. But what you may not know is that Mill Ends Park now has a homepage on the Web. And it’s as dinky as the park itself, 3×3 pixels. Which earned the site a nomination for the Webbys this year. So you should vote for it.

Interested in voting for this amazing example of infinitesimalism…? Cast your Webby vote. (Voting closes soon, so please pop over and do that immediately.) Or spend some time exploring the Mill Ends Park webpage.

What are the Webbys? Well, they used to be a pretty big deal. And then they kind of dissipated. But for some reason, this year, they’re having a huge renaissance.

Established in 1996 during the Web’s infancy, The Webbys is presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS)—a 3000+ member judging body. The Academy is comprised of Executive Members—leading Internet experts, business figures, luminaries, visionaries and creative celebrities—and Associate Members who are former Webby Winners, Nominees and other Internet professionals.

And if you’re new to Portland or this is your first time hearing of this, ahem, little piece of Portland knowledge, get to learn more at Mill Ends Park.

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  1. […] I’ve mentioned this one already. But for a refresher… Portland is home to the world’s smallest park, Mill Ends Park. And now that park also has the world’s smallest website. […]

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