
Vidoop has to let some folks go

I really hate to do this, but again, I feel obligated to say something.

As unfortunate as it is to report, newly transplanted Vidoop has had to cut back some of its staff.

No word on how many or whom. [UPDATE] The Portland Business Journal, which featured Vidoop in a cover story last week, reports that nine employees were let go. “The employees who were laid off Monday morning all moved to Portland from Oklahoma, and all are shareholders.”

CEO Joel Norvell states:

Portland’s gracious and enthusiastic welcome to Vidoop has been terrific for all of us at the company. Here less than two months later, the economic reality facing companies everywhere seemed remote, given our momentum and the exciting projects we are working on. But today, we had to face that reality, and tell several members of the Vidoop family goodbye.

I have to commend Vidoop for the public admission. They continue to remain a class act. I’m sorry to see them having to go through this. But they will survive.

At this point, I’m more concerned about the folks who have been let go. Vidoop is doing what they can, but additional help, I’m sure, will be welcome.

If you’re a recruiter, there is some very, very good talent on the market as a result of this. I encourage you to act quickly.

And I know I speak for the Portland startup community when I say if there is anything we can do to help, please let us know. Please feel free to contact me at siliconflorist@gmail.com, via Twitter, or by commenting below.

  1. Looks like it’s 9 people. All transplants. Such is life at a startup. But truly does suck for those who uprooted to stay with the company. Nice!

  2. Unfortunately I think *everybody* moved halfway across the country…

  3. That’s really sad.. I hope they’re all OK and I’ll keep them in my thoughts just as I do my fellow Jivers. 🙁

  4. This is unfortunate, but understandable.
    I’m currently working on something that may help.

  5. I sure hope they aren’t letting go of any recent transplants. That would suck to move half way across the country only to get RIF’ed.

    Best of luck.

  6. So sorry to hear this. The Vidoop people are really wonderful. Here’s to new doors opening.

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