
I love “Hello. I love you.”

Everyone could use a little more love. People in Portland. People in Oregon. People the world over. And more love is exactly what the creators of COLOURlovers and FriendsCall.Me are hoping to share with their latest project, Portland-based Hello. I love you.


Hello. I love you. started with a simple concept in mind: to use the Internet for good.

The internet is both our greatest technological achievement and one of our worst. It has given us the tools to communicate infinitely more, but not always better. It is so easy to anonymously hate on another person. It should be as easy to anonymously love another person.

Just imagine the converse of the seemingly ubiquitous anonymous comment troll. Something that replaces that vitriolic bile with well wishes and compliments. Something that trades snark for, well, love.

I think we could all use a little more of that. In fact, that’s part of the reason I started Silicon Florist—to spread the love.

Hello. I love you. turns up that sharing of affection, exponentially.

Hello. I Love You. is a daily (or several times daily) source of love. View photos or watch videos of people from around the world loving you. Some a simple I love you. Others a supportive and loving message to help you weather the hard times… a congratulatory loving message… or a loving apology.

So take a few moments to experience Hello. I love you. You’ll be glad you did.


  1. I’m with Christian…sorta odd to profile a site that hasn’t updated in 8 months.

  2. I don’t get it. The most recent “post” is August 2008. And we’re talking about this now?

    Did it soft-launch back then and get zero exposure? Or did it launch recently’ish and just not have any updates?

    I think “Hello. I Love You. is a daily (or several times daily) source of love. View photos or watch videos of people from around the world loving you” is somewhat of a lie, seeing as how it’s nowhere near daily (or several times daily).

    I hate to be a naysayer and be down on someone, but I don’t get it?

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