
End Bloglessness: Help would be Portland bloggers become bloggers

[HTML1]Lots of folks want to start a blog. And while it may be easy for you—in all of your geeky awesomeness—to set up a blog and start blogging, it’s not that easy for everyone.

That’s why the folks at Beer and Blog have created End Bloglessness, a regular event that helps would-be bloggers become bloggers by helping them set up their own blogs.

Want to help someone else get involved in blogging and stuff? Here’s your chance, Sunday October 4 from noon to five.

By the time you leave the workshop, you’ll have a blog that is ready to go and some direction on how to connect with other local bloggers. We are expecting people from all skill levels, including the technically challenged. Everyone will be treated with respect and will be encouraged.

Can’t make it? Know someone who needs help? Well, send them to End Bloglessness. It may just get you out of earning that Family Tech Support nerd merit badge.

For more information or to volunteer to help, visit End Bloglessness on Beer and Blog Portland.

  1. Thanks to Justin & BnB – as Justin says, it is all about community connections and getting tips and insight into not just how to use the tools but on some blogging “best practices”. It was a great session and I appreciate the opportunity to learn.


  2. Randal, people are still getting a free blog and the help we offer is free. This is about people making community connections to get the help we need to understand how to use these free options. While the barriers to the blogosphere might be low for some, I sure don’t want a marketplace of ideas that excludes the less technically fascinated! 🙂

  3. OK, how hard is it to find vox.com or livejournal.com or blogger.com?

    And if not those, I’m sure a google of “free blog” would give a dozen others.

    Not sure whether people who can’t do that kind of google should be blogging.

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