
REMINDER: 4K4Community Fun Run takes place October 10, 2023

I play goalkeeper. So the concept of a “fun run” is completely lost on me. But I appreciate that many people enjoy running or jogging or whatever. So I wanted to make sure to remind you running types that the 4K4Community reboot happens tomorrow, October 10, 2023, at OMSI.

The 4K4Community Fun Run is a 4 km (2.49 mi) running and walking event that raises funds for nonprofits focused on advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in tech and education. 100% of your registration fee is tax-deductible and is donated directly to this year’s nonprofit beneficiary, POIC + Rosemary Anderson High School.  

The run starts and ends at OMSI in SE Portland. At the finish line, participants can celebrate with free drinks and snacks, and visit nonprofit booths to learn about the work being done to better our community.

Why do I call it a reboot? Because we used to have this event in the before times under a different moniker. And it’s great to see it coming back.

For more information or to get details about the next event, visit 4K4Community.

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