
Questioning whether or not Portland can regain its “vibe”

I’ve talked to any number of people about the pervading pessimism that has taken hold in Portland over the past few years. It’s that single distinct and palpable change that concerns me most — for everyone here. A recent Portland Monthly piece has a similar take on the malaise, the potential causes, and the question of whether or not Portland can ever become “unique and interesting again.”

We can never go back to the old, but perhaps we can combine the best of old and new—the independent, cooperative spirit, so deep in Portland’s DNA, and the recent infusion of people and wealth—to take us somewhere good. Now, when cities everywhere are ailing, we should remember that Portland has shown the way forward before. It can again. 

For more, read “Has Portland lost its vibe?

  1. But smart first.

  2. What can Portland and the state of Oregon do to make more viable? There’s massive talent in Oregon, but talk to your friends in other states. I’m a huge advocate by the way. It’s not about getting weird. It’s about getting smart (and weird).

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