
Tag: auctions

Internet Garage Sale: The trust of Twitter, the auctions of eBay, the design of Craigslist

Creeped out by Craigslist? Tired of haggling with faceless trolls on eBay? Looking for somewhere where you can unload your crap valuable stuff to your friends or your friends’ friends? Then Internet Garage Sale, the latest project from Steven Frank—cofounder of Portland-based Panic—may be for you. If you can get an invite.

Creeped out by Craigslist? Tired of haggling with faceless trolls on eBay? Looking for somewhere where you can unload your crap valuable stuff to your friends or your friends’ friends?

Then Internet Garage Sale, the latest project from Steven Frank—cofounder of Portland-based Panic—may be for you. If you can get an invite. Read More