
Tag: Chris Pitzer

New Legion of Tech board members announced… err tweeted

In a very Barack-Obama-naming-his-running-mate-esque moment, I saw Bram Pitoyo congratulate the new Legion of Tech board members in a tweet. I’m struggling to find an “official” post on this , but If texting is good enough for Barack, then Twitter is absolutely perfect for Legion of Tech. [Update] Legion of Tech has posted the new board for 2009.

New Legion of Tech board

The new board members are Amy Farrell, Craig Fisk, Chris O’Rourke, and Chris Pitzer. They join existing board members Josh Bancroft, Adam DuVander, Dawn Foster, Todd Kenefsky, and Raven Zachary.

An advisory committee is being established, as well. Names of the advisory committee were not announced (or tweeted by Bram, either).

Congratulations to the new board members! I know we’re all looking forward to another amazing year of Legion of Tech events.