
Tag: dawn foster

Going to SXSW? Well then go to Beer and Blog Portland this week to see who else will be down there

The time is drawing near for SXSW interactive, once again. And it promises to be bigger and better than ever. But who from Portland is making the journey down south?

Every year about this time, you start to feel it. It’s drawing near. The largest geeky Web event of its kind. A sort of pilgrimage for the Web types. Where they all head down to, well, Texas of all places. To hang out, attend sessions, and socialize with other people of their ilk. That’s right. I said “ilk.”

Yep, it’s true. The time is drawing near for SXSW interactive, once again. And it promises to be bigger and better than ever. But who from Portland is making the journey down south? Well, there’s no better way to find out—and draw the SXSW types out—than a social event. And that made tomorrow’s Beer and Blog Portland the perfect venue for a little get together. Read More

memePDX 026: Jive Software CEO, Dawn Foster joins MeeGo, Open Source Bridge, Yahoo! and Twitter, ngmoco raises $25 million

This week, Cami Kaos and I talk about Jive Software’s new CEO, Dawn Foster joining MeeGo, Open Source Bridge call for proposals, you’ve got Twitter in your Yahoo!, and ngmoco raising $25 million.

Hey lookie there! It’s Thursday. And that means it’s time for another episode of memePDX. I mean, so you’ve got a little company during lunch. What’s more? It’s episode 26, which means we’ve reached a half a year of content. Yay for milestones!

This week, Cami Kaos and I talk about Jive Software’s new CEO, Dawn Foster joining MeeGo, Open Source Bridge call for proposals, you’ve got Twitter in your Yahoo!, and ngmoco raising $25 million. Read More

Dawn Foster chosen to head up community management for MeeGo, the joint Intel and Nokia open source mobile platform

Dawn Foster known for her work with Legion of Tech, BarCamp Portland, Ignite Portland, Shizzow, and community management will be joining Intel as the MeeGo as Community Manager.

You may remember some news last week that Intel had agreed to partner with Nokia to merge their two Linux-based open source mobile platforms—Moblin and Maemo, respectively—in the hopes of combining their efforts instead of working in parallel. The project was dubbed MeeGo. And I was intrigued. It’s kind of a startup of sorts. And it’s definitely open source-y. And mobile. And part of the Mobilin team is here in the Portland area. So it seemed like something I should follow.

But one of the consistent comments I heard about the deal? “They’re going to need a strong developer community.” Yeah, you think? Read More

The Crazy Neighbor: C’mon! You know you’ve got one. Don’t let that craziness go to waste.

Like attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. Or like tears in the rain. Until now. Thankfully, The Crazy Neighbor helps document all that wackiness that happens right next door.

Maybe they’ve got a broken down car in the front yard. Maybe they like to stand on their roof and water their lawn. Maybe they choose to yodel at 4 AM on a Tuesday. Whatever the case, they’re crazy neighbors. And we’ve all got them.

But so many of these priceless crazy neighbor moments have been lost somewhere in the ether. Smatterings of utter weirdness that defy explanation. All fleeting. Like attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. Or like tears in the rain. Until now.

Thankfully, Portland-based The Crazy Neighbor now helps document all that wackiness that happens right next door. Read More

Can’t wait for Beer and Blog this week? This bus will take you there on Thursday for free. The catch? It’s in Corvallis.

Most of the folks in the Portland Web scene have become all too familiar with a little Friday ritual called Beer and Blog. The event—which began with Justin Kistner helping a few other bloggers over beers—rapidly grew into the de facto happy hour for the Portland blogging and tech scene. So popular, in fact, that it spread to other cities.

But there were no rules saying you always had to go on a Friday. Or only go to Portland’s gathering, for that matter.

So this week, you’ve got the chance to go to Beer and Blog one day early—and get to experience Ignite Corvallis as a bonus. But how to get there? On this bus, my friend. Read More

Dawn Foster joins the Olliance Group to lead new online community practice

Anyone who’s spent any time at Portland tech events has likely met Dawn Foster. She’s one of the founding members of Legion of Tech, one of the driving forces behind BarCamp Portland, an adviser to the Shizzow and the SAO, a leader of the online community manager and Portland data plumbing user groups, and a regular attendee at Beer and Blog—among thousands of other things.

One thing you may not realize is that, in addition to juggling all of those side projects, she manages to do a day job, too. And today she announced that that “day job” part of her life was changing. Dawn has joined the Olliance Group to lead a new online community practice. Read More

Ada Lovelace Day: Celebrating Portland women in technology

Ada LovelaceToday is Ada Lovelace Day, a day to celebrate women who are excelling in the world of technology.

Who was Ada Lovelace, you ask?

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace was born on 10th December 1815, the only child of Lord Byron and his wife, Annabella. Born Augusta Ada Byron, but now known simply as Ada Lovelace, she wrote the world’s first computer programmes for the Analytical Engine, a general-purpose machine that Charles Babbage had invented.

That got me to thinking. I’m incredibly lucky to get the chance to work with a number of extremely talented and technically adept women. And I get the chance to work with many of them on a weekly basis, which is awesome. Many of you are just as lucky as me.

So I thought I’d list some of the cool female geeks in Portland whom I am proud to know:

Selena Deckelmann

She’s the co-founder of Open Source Bridge, has had code committed to PostgreSQL, attends and speaks at any number of conferences, served as one of the original board members for Legion of Tech, and provides some exemplary guidance on killing chickens.

Audrey Eschright

She’s the other co-founder of Open Source Bridge, a founding member of Legion of Tech, a celebrated Rubyist, the driving force behind Calagator, and one of the most creative thinkers in the Northwest.

Dawn Foster

She’s a wizard with Yahoo! Pipes, a sage with community development, a hardworking startup type with Shizzow, one of the founders of Legion of Tech, and from what I understand, one mean werewolf player.

All of these women have been an absolute inspiration for me. And I’m truly honored that I get the chance to work with them on a regular basis.

And just as I’m in the midst of writing this post, I see a tweet come across from Steven Walling, validating my choices—and adding Amber Case, who is amazing in her own right.

Steven Walling Ada Lovelace Day recommendations

But for as much as I love the local scene, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention two other incredibly inspiring women in the tech scene who have gained—and will continue to have—my utmost admiration.

Kathy Sierra

She’s an incredible speaker and thought-provoking writer whose Creating Passionate Users completely changed the way I thought about marketing and writing—and was a direct inspiration for Silicon Florist.

Beth Kanter

She’s taught me how to think about the power and the promise technology holds for doing good. And her Gnomedex performance, last year, remains one of the coolest technological experiments I’ve ever seen—even though it had very little to do with technology and everything to do with people.

Which women are excelling in technology in your world?

If there are women in technology who inspire you, I’d love to hear about—and I’m sure they would, too. Who are the other women in Portland technology or Silicon Forest technology who deserve some recognition? Why not take a few minutes to write something up? There’s still time.

(Image courtesy Anyaka. Used under Creative Commons)

Companies and Communities: Participating without being sleazy

Dawn FosterWhen it comes to social media and community management, few folks in Portland—arguably few folks in the world—understand it as well as Dawn Foster, @geekygirldawn.

For those of you who haven’t had a chance to meet her, Dawn is a community management powerhouse. She has more than 13 years of experience in technology and software with expertise in open source software, web 2.0, social media, blogging, and community building, working at companies like Intel and Jive Software. She’s also a co-founder and board member for Legion of Tech. Dawn currently consults on social media and community management and serves as the community manager for Shizzow.

So when I heard she was working on a book that was going to give me access to some of her insights, I got a wee bit giddy.

And now, it’s available.

Entitled Companies and Communities: Participating without being sleazy, the 80-page eBook touches on topics like blogging, Twitter, social networks, and customer-centric corporate communities.

Companies and Communities is focused on helping your company get real business value out of participating in online communities and social media. This 80 page eBook contains practical advice and suggestions for how companies can engage with online communities and social media sites.

How practical? Well, it’s full of things which we—as individual social media participants—may think are obvious, but are far from it. Especially for corporations. Things like:

Not all about you

Social media is a conversation, which is by definition two-way. In other words, it is not all about you, your company, your products or your agenda. It involves listening and participating in the broader community of people. Don’t just expect people to help you; jump in and help other people in areas where you have some expertise. If all you do is pimp your products without adding to the broader conversation, people will lose interest in you pretty quickly.

The eBook is delivered in PDF format. It’s available for $19.99. To purchase your copy, visit Dawn’s Fast Wonder Blog eBook section. Or, if you want to test drive it first, there’s an excerpt available.

I’m already thumbing through my own copy. Now, I just have to figure out how to get the author to autograph an eBook.

Up for some unconferencing this weekend? You’re in luck

You know me. I’m always looking for any opportunity to throw out the “Portland has more x per capita than anywhere else in the United States.”

Here’s my latest: Portland has more unconferences per capita than anywhere else in the United States.

What’s an “unconference” you ask? Well, let’s let Dawn Foster, the queen of Portland unconferences answer that one:

Unconferences are usually free and are often local. The unconference is an adhoc gathering shaped by those who attend with the sessions and agenda being driven by the participants. The framework is defined in advance, but the sessions are organized and produced by the attendees. In other words, instead of a full agenda with sessions and speakers clearly determined in advance, you start with a blank grid containing times on one axis and rooms / locations on the other axis; lunches and any other common activities are often added to the grid in advance to provide some basic infrastructure for the event. You never what discussions, demos, and other interactions to expect before the event, but you can count on it being an interesting time!

Now that you know, are you looking for some unconference-y goodness?

Look no further, my friend.

Recent Changes Camp: February 20-22, University Place Hotel, Portland State University

The premier wiki unconference, Recent Changes Camp, is already happening:

Recent Changes Camp was born from the intersection of wiki and Open Space. Since 2006, participants from all over North America and the globe have gathered together for a common purpose: discussing the past, present, and future of the technology and collaborative method that is wiki. RCC is a chance for everyone in the wiki community, something we like to call Wiki Ohana, to meet and have a fun, productive conversation about our passion for wikis of all stripes.

Going far beyond technology, we’re interested in wiki culture and other networks/groups/etc. that share many of the values implicit in it — from cultural creatives, to public participation and free culture advocates. If you use a wiki or you value open collaboration, Recent Changes Camp is created for you. RCC is about openness and inclusion, collaboration and community, creativity and flow. Further down this page you can check out a sampling of sessions we’ve enjoyed in the past, along with pictures and videos from previous events.

For more information, see RecentChangesCamp on Calagator.

BarCamp NewsInnovation Portland: February 21, Portland State University Smith Memorial Student Union Room

More interested in the impact of technology on modern media? BarCamp NewsInnovation Portland might be more your speed:

What happens when a group of technologists, programmers, web developers, designers, hackers and information architects meet up with journalists, entrepreneurs, students, professors and others with interest in news and information?

Amazing new ideas for how we collect, disseminate and consume news, hopefully.

Join us for a one-day un-conference to not only talk about how technology is influencing journalism, but brainstorm some ideas and hack them out by the end of the afternoon.

For more information, see BarCamp NewsInnovation Portland.


New Legion of Tech board members announced… err tweeted

In a very Barack-Obama-naming-his-running-mate-esque moment, I saw Bram Pitoyo congratulate the new Legion of Tech board members in a tweet. I’m struggling to find an “official” post on this , but If texting is good enough for Barack, then Twitter is absolutely perfect for Legion of Tech. [Update] Legion of Tech has posted the new board for 2009.

New Legion of Tech board

The new board members are Amy Farrell, Craig Fisk, Chris O’Rourke, and Chris Pitzer. They join existing board members Josh Bancroft, Adam DuVander, Dawn Foster, Todd Kenefsky, and Raven Zachary.

An advisory committee is being established, as well. Names of the advisory committee were not announced (or tweeted by Bram, either).

Congratulations to the new board members! I know we’re all looking forward to another amazing year of Legion of Tech events.