
Pontificating on trust within the startup community

I know that most of the stuff I vomit onto the Internet on a regular basis is, at best, pithy. And, at worst, is just the worst. And that a great deal of that regurgitation is replicating something that someone else has written. Or directing you to someone else’s thoughts. And that’s by design. But I do actually think about stuff. From time to time. No really. And every once in a while, I write something that contains actual thought. Or at least some semblance thereof.

And thanks to the folks over at Community Club, I recently got the opportunity to do that. And by “that” I mean moving beyond regurgitation. To produce something that might — by the greatest stretch of imagination — even be bordering on insight. And so I thought it might wise to share that with you. If only to show that I think about things. Or something. And stuff.

I mean from time to time. I’m admittedly largely vapid the vast majority of the time. And I plan to continue to be so. I mean, let’s not make this a habit.

But every once in a while I pontificate on things like the dynamics of trust within communities.

While communities seem to be inherently predisposed to foster trust, it still takes work. Because developing that trust among participants can be challenging. It doesn’t scale easily or effectively. And it gets more and more diffuse as the community grows.

So I never take trust for granted. I do my work assuming that trust is a precious commodity that always must be managed, developed, and maintained. And so I thought I’d share some guidance on how I go about doing that work. Hopefully, it won’t be too pedantic or overly philosophical. Because I think it could help you be better at what you do. If you’ll trust me.

See? I wrote ALL of that. And there’s more. So if you’re interested, please continue reading.


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