
Tag: iate

Wifi, caffeine, and coworking: 10+ Portland coffee shops for meeting up with Portland’s tech types

So where are the best places in Portland Oregon to cowork with coffee wifi and cohorts? Here are ten choices for your coffee shop coworking pleasure, with a couple of bonus suggestions.

[Editor: Thanks for swinging by! Unfortunately, this post is severely out-of-date. But fear not, gentle reader. There’s a new and improved resource for coffee, wifi, and coworking here in Portland, Oregon.]

[HTML1]Admittedly, we in the Portland Web, Mobile, blogging, and startup scene are a bit of a nomadic bunch. Whether finding some place to camp out in between meetings or hunkering down to crank out code for hours on end, folks around these parts are always looking for a good spot to work—preferably with an infusion of caffeine nearby. And sometimes, it’s nice to have some peers around for bouncing ideas or simply just a little company.

So where are the best places in Portland to cowork with coffee, wifi, and cohorts? Here are ten choices for your coffee shop coworking pleasure, with a couple of bonus suggestions of up and coming spots. Read More

If Twitter is just people talking about what they’re eating, then iAte’s real-time local restaurant reviews are sheer genius

iAte gives you local restaurant information coupled with tweets associated with the venue. So instead of everyone yammering about what they’re eating, you get a focused stream about a certain food in a certain town or about a specific restaurant.

[HTML3]You know the old (well, old in Internet time) joke. Twitter? Why would I get on Twitter? Isn’t that just people talking about what they’re eating?

Well, yeah. To some extent it is. But what if they were talking about that new restaurant where you were going to spend your anniversary—and it sucked. Or what if you were really hankering for vegan BBQ and your first choice happened to be closed? Sometimes what people are eating, where they’re eating, and what they’re tweeting can be extremely valuable.

And Portland-based iAte is gobbling that Twitter data up and serving up some very tasty results. Read More

Demolicious: Experiencing Portland’s technology of tomorrow, today (or more appropriately, Wednesday)

Interested in the freshest new products from the Portland technology types? Who isn’t? We all love the cutting-edge tech stuff around these parts.

Well, you’re in luck. Because there’s no better place to catch a glimpse of these new products in the wild than Portland Web Innovators’ quarterly Demolicious—an evening of folks demoing products you’ve probably never seen.

Even better news? It’s this week. That’s right! This Wednesday. I know. I can’t wait either. Read More