
What did I miss? Recapping Twitter Chirp, Facebook f8, Inside Social Apps, and iPadDevCamp

we’ll be discussing the what’s what with four interesting events that happened outside of Portland: Twitter Chirp, Facebook f8, Inside Social Apps, and iPadDevCamp.

[HTML1]We here in Portland are incredibly familiar with the “too many good events to attend” phenomenon. It happens to us practically every day. Trying to be three places at once to have interesting conversations with interesting people. I know. Rough life. And it gets even worse when you think about events happening elsewhere.

If only there were some way to soak up all of that good information about all of those events in a concentrated way. If only. Well, thanks to Justin Kistner ( @justinkistner ) and Webtrends ( @webtrends ), now there is. Tonight, gathering around 6 and starting around 7, we’ll be discussing the what’s what with four interesting events that happened outside of Portland: Twitter Chirp, Facebook f8, Inside Social Apps, and iPadDevCamp.

Whosa howsa what? Yeah. Okay. Let’s back up. Why would you even be interested in these things? Well, let’s look.

Twitter Chirp

Chirp was the official Twitter developer conference. That means a whole bunch of folks who are interested in using Twitter’s data and API descended upon San Francisco to get the latest news directly from the, um, bird’s mouth. So if you are interested in building apps for Twitter, you should have been there. What’s that? You weren’t? Oh. Then come to the thing tonight.

Facebook f8

f8 is Facebook’s annual developer conference. Where all the folks who are interested in building apps within the walled garden gather. Facebook sees it as bringing together “developers and entrepreneurs who are building the social Web by moving fast, taking risks, and hacking traditional systems.” If you’re interested in building apps for Facebook, you should have been there. What’s that? You weren’t? Oh. Then come to the thing tonight. (Are you starting to sense a theme?)

Inside Social Apps

These days, it’s all about being social. And Inside Social Apps helped bring developers and thinkers across a wide spectrum of platforms together for an intensive session on the future of apps and their socialism. Or socialite. Or socially stuff. Or whatever. Sounds interesting right? It was. Want to know what they talked about? Then come to the thing tonight.


Now all of these social apps have to go somewhere, right? And there’s no better new shiny object to interact with social apps than the Apple iPad. But how the heck should you be building those apps so that they take full advantage of the iPad? Well, that’s why there is iPadDevCamp, a gathering of developers discussing the platform and its pros and cons. What’s that? You didn’t… Oh right. That’s getting a little old. Tell you what? Why don’t you show up tonight to tell me about how old and tired this schtick is?

See you at Webtrends tonight

You’re convinced right? I know you are. C’mon down. We’re still working on a couple of the panelists, but I’m sure it will all come together. I mean, we’re like real time and stuff. Right?

The event will be hosted by Webtrends. Doors will open at 6. The discussion should begin around 7. I’ll moderate. So if you have any specific questions, please comment below and I’ll try to wedge them into the conversation. Otherwise, I’ll just stand there—smiling and nodding—and say things like “I see” and “Oh interesting.” I might try to look pensive too.

If you’re thinking about attending (and I hope you are), please make sure to RSVP so we know how many to expect.

  1. I shared the same sentiment (in fact I memtioned if someone could UStream it, we could all participate), but it seems that the Webtrends blog is following many other blogs as of late and requiring comments to be approved by a moderator. Crossing my fingers and hoping this comment makes it thru. Anyone gonna help us homebound or prior-engaged people out?

    Thanks and love!

  2. Anyone that cares to record this event and share it will be rewarded with good juju from tech parents all around town.

    And yes, I do see the irony of missing an event for catching up on missed events.

    another devoted absentee,


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