
Tag: WebTrends

Portland partnering: Webtrends and ShopIgniter team up to offer social analytics for storefronts

Knowing how much money you make on a sale is great. But what about those more granular points? How did folks get there in the first place? And what effect did social media have on their decision to enter your online store in the first place. I mean, a guy don’t walk onto the lot lest he wants to buy. But what gets him or her there? Your company? Or people who love your company? Read More

Reminder: Webtrends Lunch 2.0 is Wednesday

Did you forget that Webtrends (@webtrends) wants to have you over for lunch on Wednesday?

No worries, that’s why we’re here, to remind you about free lunch. Oh, and to inform you about startups, the local tech scene, etc. All that stuff too.

You may get a chance to check out Webtrends’ newest product Analytics 10, which unites all your social, mobile and web analytics into a single console.

And hey, if it’s sunny (a big if), you can hang out on their balcony too.

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Webtrends Apps: Webtrends picks up WYSIWYG Facebook and iPhone app tool Transpond

But it’s not highly likely you think of social or mobile apps. Well, until today. Meet Webtrends Apps, the results of acquiring San Francisco based Transpond.

When you think of Webtrends, you likely think of Web analytics. And that’s no surprise. The Portland-based company has been a leader in the world of Web analytics for more than a decade.

But it’s not highly likely you think of social or mobile apps. Well, until today. Meet Webtrends Apps, the results of acquiring San Francisco based Transpond. Read More

Breaking out of your shell: Webtrends 101 offers an incubator space for Portland digital marketing startups

Now, Webtrends is helping small businesses by offering up an incubator of its own—Webtrends 101, a space designed specifically for fledgling Portland digital marketing companies.

[HTML2]As more and more Portland types begin to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams, there has become a need for locations where small teams can work side by side—without it taking a great deal of investment to make it happen. To support this growing market, we’ve seen reasonably priced office space like the Leftbank Project and Olympic Mills, coworking locations like NedSpace and Souk, and hybrid workspaces like the Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE).

Now, Webtrends is doing its part to help small businesses launch by offering up an incubator of its own—Webtrends 101, a space designed specifically for fledgling Portland digital marketing companies. Read More

What did I miss? Recapping Twitter Chirp, Facebook f8, Inside Social Apps, and iPadDevCamp

we’ll be discussing the what’s what with four interesting events that happened outside of Portland: Twitter Chirp, Facebook f8, Inside Social Apps, and iPadDevCamp.

[HTML1]We here in Portland are incredibly familiar with the “too many good events to attend” phenomenon. It happens to us practically every day. Trying to be three places at once to have interesting conversations with interesting people. I know. Rough life. And it gets even worse when you think about events happening elsewhere.

If only there were some way to soak up all of that good information about all of those events in a concentrated way. If only. Well, thanks to Justin Kistner ( @justinkistner ) and Webtrends ( @webtrends ), now there is. Tonight, gathering around 6 and starting around 7, we’ll be discussing the what’s what with four interesting events that happened outside of Portland: Twitter Chirp, Facebook f8, Inside Social Apps, and iPadDevCamp. Read More

memePDX 027: Platial, Portland Lunch 2.0 with Oregon Film, ShopIgniter funding, Webtrends Facebook analytics, and a whole bunch of patents

This week on memePDX, Cami Kaos and I cover Platial calling it quits, upcoming Portland Lunch 2.0 with Oregon Film, ShopIgniter’s funding, Webtrends Facebook analytics, and then a whole bunch of patent stuff.

It’s Thursday. Oh yes it is. And It’s a post Ignite Portland Thursday at that. So you’re probably dragging a little. Looking for something to make you “appear busy.” Well, if watching people talk about the hottest tech stories in Portland and beyond will help you look that way, you’re in luck.

This week on memePDX, Cami Kaos and I cover Platial calling it quits, upcoming Portland Lunch 2.0 with Oregon Film, ShopIgniter’s funding, Webtrends Facebook analytics, and then a whole bunch of patent stuff. Read More

Widemile emerges from the cocoon as Webtrends Optimize

Wow. That was fast. It was only a few weeks ago that Portland-based Webtrends announced the acquisition of Seattle-based Widemile. And now Webtrends has released the Widemile multivariate testing functionality as Webtrends Optimize.

Multivari-whoosa-whatsis? Don’t worry. It’s not as hard as it sounds. In fact, Webtrends has focused on making it as simple and straightforward as possible. Heck, it sounds like even I could use it. Read More

Webtrends releases Webtrends Analytics 9, initial reviews are ecstatic

Fresh off the news of the Widemile acquisition, Portland-based Webtrends rolled out the latest version of their Web analytics software, Webtrends Analytics 9. The feedback on Webtrends 9 has been overwhelmingly positive.

[HTML2]Fresh off the news of the Widemile acquisition, Portland-based Webtrends rolled out the latest version of their Web analytics software, Webtrends Analytics 9.

Now in a day and age when folks can get Web analytics for free—or at a very low cost—you might think that an upgrade to the Webtrends offering might fall a little flat.

Well, think again, my friend. The feedback on Webtrends 9 has been overwhelmingly positive. Thanks to their opening up the platform to other data streams—and in so doing, helping folks do a better job of understanding what’s happening on their sites. Read More

Trending up: Portland-based Webtrends acquires Seattle-based Widemile

In a time of free Web analytics software, they continue to build a successful Web analytics business. Successful enough to engage in M&A activity. You see, they just picked up Seattle-based Widemile.

[HTML2]Portland-based Webtrends—arguably the leading company focused on helping other companies figure out what people are doing on their Web sites—is having a renaissance of sorts. They’ve refreshed their executive team, re-engaged with the Portland tech startup community, and signed some impressive partnerships. Heck, they’ve even started a little controversy. But perhaps most impressive—especially in a time of low-cost or free Web analytics software—is the fact that they continue to build a successful Web analytics business.

How successful? Well, successful enough to engage in M&A activity. You see, they just picked up Seattle-based Widemile. Read More