
Category: partnership

Strands personal finance paying dividends, ING joins the roster

Corvallis-headquartered Strands has always had a definitive focus on the power of recommender technology—a technology that use an amalgamation of personal actions, actions of like-minded individuals, and inferences from those actions to make recommendations. But they’ve struggled a bit finding the appropriate and market worthy applications of that technology. They’ve pursued music, lifestreaming, and—most recently—exercise.

However, if this recent news is any indication, it’s their personal finance recommender pursuits that may be paying off. You see, Strands just signed ING. Read More

Webtrends, Radian6, Salesforce start seeing each other socially

Since they just signed a deal that has them working with Radian6 and Salesforce to incorporate Webtrends analytics for social media monitoring.

[HTML2]Long absent from the burgeoning Portland Web scene, our friends over at Webtrends have come back with a vengeance. They were quintessential to the success of Open Source Bridge, from sponsoring the event to hosting volunteer meetings to co-hosting Portland Lunch 2.0 to providing an adult beverage friendly venue for the after party. They’ve become a gracious host for events like CloudCamp PDX and WordCamp Portland. And, of course, they hired Justin Kistner, founder of Beer and Blog.

Given all they do, it’s really nice to get to share some of their good news here. And now, I’ll do that. Since they just signed a deal that has them working with Radian6 and Salesforce to incorporate Webtrends analytics for social media monitoring. Read More