
Tag: bill bradbury

Governor of social media: What Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn say about the Oregon 2010 gubernatorial candidates

we took a look at the candidates way early in the Oregon governor’s race. But how have things changed since then? Well, let’s take a look at how the front runners are faring especially in regards to social media

[HTML1]Now, there are any number of folks who will tell you that number of followers or fans on social networks—like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, for example—does not to equate to much of anything. And for the most part, I would agree.

But when you’re one of the leading gubernatorial candidates for the 2010 Oregon election, your number of followers could be an interesting indicator of your understanding of the power of social media—and your connection with the demographic that uses those tools.

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Oregon’s next governor: Assessing 14 candidates’ online presence and social media savvy

Yesterday—upon learning that Marshall Kirkpatrick had seen a Facebook ad that John Kitzhaber had decided to mount another run for the Oregon governor gig—I started to do a little digging into Kitzhaber’s social media presence.

Then it dawned on me, instead of just taking a look at the one candidate—even if he was the one who had served as governor during half of my residence in Oregon—it would probably be wise to look at all the gubernatorial candidates, their online presence, and their social media savvy.

Sounds like a pretty good idea, doesn’t it? Shall we? Read More