
Tag: rigado

Kivo: Local serial entrepreneurs raise a $3 million round with local investors

You know what I always say. No. Not that. The other thing. The thing about serial founders. You know, the thing about how the Portland startup community needs to get to a point where it’s not burning out founders so much that they never start other projects. How we need more serial entrepreneurs and folks with startup experience starting new things. Again and again. That thing.

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Putting that money to work: Rigado opens up a bunch of Portland job opportunities

There have been any number of fundraising announcements in the past two weeks. And as compelling as that news is, it’s even more exciting to see the companies putting that money to work. Like Rigado, for instance. Which recently raised $15 million. And that led to a bunch of open jobs. Like nine of them.

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Could the Internet of Things be the next viable market for Portland startups? The Rigado IoT Edge-as-a-Service platform hints at potential

Every once in a while, you get to be present to witness the establishment of a widespread platform. A platform that provides the means of making a market. Sometimes, it’s the first to market—like the iPhone or Roku. Sometimes, it’s a fast follower—like Microsoft Explorer or Google. We’ve seen it happen time and time again. With the Web and Mobile and Streaming Media. But it’s rare to see that happen locally.

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Getting the band back together: Rigado reunites a Portland startup rarity… serial entrepreneurs

Ever since I promised Bill Lynch that I would stop publishing pure “we got funded” sorts of stories, I’ve had a challenge. You see, people tend to drop press releases when they raise money. So it’s a good time to cover them. But if I chose to act on those releases, my posts couldn’t just be about the funding, I promised Bill. There had to be another angle.

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Portland's reinvestment of executive knowledge gains more momentum: Cedexis, Lytics, Rigado, and Vadio all tap experienced executives

Remember a few weeks ago when I was waxing philosophic about Bill Lynch joining Cloudability? And how maybe, just maybe, I had hoped that it was an indicator of things to come? Well, what could very well have been a one-off occurrence has been happening with more regularity in the past few weeks. With a number of local startups recruiting experienced executive talent—who bring with them their knowledge of how to grow successful Portland companies. Read More